Transparent Administration

Company Profile

Fast Freight Marconi S.p.A. has been formed in 2009 by Airport Authority of Bologna Airport. Fast Freight Marconi is the reference cargo handling agent at the Airport of Bologna.

It deals in particular with documentary and physical handling of import and export  cargo.
The Company’s purpose is the exercise of all activities related or complementary to the transport of goods, including transportation by air, combined and / or intermodal and ancillary services such as customs procedures
The Company has a term until December 31, 2050 and may be extended.


Fast Freight Marconi SPA  is 100% owned by Aeroporto “G.  Marconi” of Bologna SpA.

Take a look at the shareholders of Aeroporto “G. Marconi” di Bologna S.p.A.


Corporate Officers

On 04/04/2022 the Shareholders’ Meeting renewed the Board of Directors, composed of three members, which will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements which will close on 31 December 2024.
The members of the Board are Dr. Enrico Postacchini, with the office of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, dott. Marco Verga, Managing Director and Employer, and the lawyer Silvia Piccorossi, Managing Director.
The administration of the Company is entrusted to the Responsible for Coordination and Management, appointed by a notary deed dated 21/3/2019. The Responsible for Coordination and Management reports on her work to the Board of Directors, with a specific quarterly report.
The current Responsible for Coordination and Management, Dr. Silvia Arceci, will be in charge until revoked.


On 20 April 2021, the Shareholders’ Meeting also appointed the Board of Statutory Auditors, and their three-year term will expire in 2024, on the date of approval of the financial statements at 31 December 2023.
President: Antonino Cianca
Standing Auditors: Carmelo Caruso, Carla Brighenti
Substitue Auditors: Romana Romoli, Fabio Ceroni.

Independent Auditors

Ernst & Young S.p.A.

Corporate financial statements:

Bilancio civilistico: 2017, 2018, 2019